Sunday 10:46 PM
Happy Father's Day 2010! ♥As u can Listen, there's music n new songs too. 1. Let's Get Wet 2. Love With No Regrets Copyright. Currently playin' RS. Haiz...Crazy Mei cnt play...=( So lonely. Phone still spoil. So can't upload pics. =( Went to celebrate Father's Day yesterday. Went to eat Swensens. =) Then walk to Tampines 1 go buy new water bottle. Ltr, go back home. Quite a few things eyhh? Gtg. Bai.
Tuesday 6:34 AM
Ballet....... ♥Went for Ballet Camp today. Damn tired.. Whn I'm there, chat, chat. Thn stretch alittle. Now got the cramps. Urgh! *Skips................................... Learnt new steps. Difficult.. Thn one of the exercise, none of us knows the answer...stand there..look at teacher..teacher look at us....blahh. Stand there like 35mins. What a waste. Thn like learnt English... Over, under, passe-french, derire-french,devvone-french. Now, I'm soo confused. Tomorrow die...=P Shit.
6:29 AM
Karate Kid ♥ Yesterday, went to watched the 'Karate Kid'. Jaden so funny. Quite nice n damn funny? Before watchin' went to buy Popstar! =) One of the articles says.. "WIN A DATE WITH GREGG SULKIN"! OMG!!!! But...need parental consent. Hmph! No fair!!!!! Anywayz, thnks mum n dad for buyin' it for me. Ltr, ate Chocolate Cookie ice-cream! Yum.. Kayz, that's all for yesterday! Gonna post another soon.
Saturday 4:37 AM
Darn! ♥ Today went to umm...Parway Parade. Went to TimeZone to play Guitar Hero n Dancin'! =D Thn went to East Point to buy new wardrobe. Curently... I'm pissed off..cuz, phone can't upload pics, n my dad won't let me buy that Magazine!!!!!!!!!
Thursday 5:05 AM
Handsome? =D
Wednesday 6:11 AM
New Headphone. ♥ Today went to VivoCity to eat _____? Thn went to "Ben n Jerry's" ice-cream to buy cookie dough! Ltr, walk around. Saw my Popstar Magazine! Really wanted to buy but cost $9.90. (if I'm not wrong) So my dad said cannot.. =( Hope next time can buy!!!!!! Cuz got ermm..Gregg in the Magazine with Selena! Ltr, went to Orchard Road to buy my headphone. My right ear got problem one. The headpiece keep droppin' out. So buy new one lorh. =) Black n Pink! Kayz, bai!
Monday 11:48 PM
Hmph! ♥Today, Elmomummy nvr go school. Dunno y. Reached there the first, no1 so I watched WOWP in my videos. =) A few mins ltr, Daddy came. Talk, talk. Hmph! I want to watch WOWP!!! My dad around so he won't let me. My mum will! Mum preparin' to go work soon. =( Alone with my dad ltr....*damn*.
Sunday 12:03 AM
Wizards VS Werewolf ♥ Justin(Left) , Manson(Right). Aww..Manson(Left) n Alex(Right). Currently watching: WOWP-Wizards VS Werewolfs The show damn nice. The werewolf is cute. =) The endin' makes my eyes watery. =( Get bck to my original post. Yesterday, went to buy new school bag. The design is all the same just the colour. -BLACK. That's all for now. Wanna continue watchin'.
Friday 10:37 PM
June hol.. ♥Soz...long time no post. Ltr got piano class.. -.- Didn't go for my swimmin' class today cuz too tired. =P Juz came bck from the park with my dad n Belle. Went to bathe her n play? Hope June hol cn go faster n slower. Slower: PSLE to be further awayy. Faster: Cn make music video with ElmoMummy n Twins. =) Byebye.
Wednesday 11:21 PM
Retest Chinese Spelling. ♥Today stayed bck for 45 mins. Cuz need to have retest for Chinese Spellin'...-.- Forgot to learnnnnn... Need to retest like 3 times be4 I pass. Luckily never bring bck the Spellin' Book, If not for sure kena from parents. =D Eyhhh! I wanna play RS ! Thn cn earn enough money to buy armors. =) Yeahhh! Now loggin' in! Off to RS!
1:17 AM
OWNED!!! ♥ Currently playin' [RS]. Urgh! Juz got owned by some Jerk in PVP world. =( Armor all lost. Wth?! Got owned by lvl 79. Heck. Now no money in RS to buy new armor. Aaarrrgghhh! |
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