Monday 9:29 PM
Clarie, don't go.. ♥ Urgh! Y must AuntieLoveCLarie go to Foundation Maths??! Our ' Family Tree ' all misses her. =( Clarie, please come bck.. Now we're in different classes...I hope u enjoy ur stay there Clarie.. I almost cried whn she went to another class.. CLARIE! U R THE BEST!
3:01 AM
Thursday 6:05 PM
"Prince Of Persia". ♥Bored.. Yesterday, went to watch the movie "Prince Of Persia" with my parents. Quite nice. =) Whn we reached TM, went to Popular to buy Adam Lambert's CD. I know his gay, I don't like him cuz of the look, =S my mum n I love his voice. So buy lorhs... Be4 watchin' the show, went to Timezone go play dancin' n "House Of The Dead" with dad! My dad die first. =D Hah. For dinner, went to Ramen to eat. Thn, went home n zzz..zzz....
Monday 4:52 AM
Studying in NL. ♥ Today went to the library with HawtGf, Dinie n Izzat. Thn my mum send Dinie n I to the National Library. Ltr, went to find a quiet corner to sit. Thn Dinie n I went to find some books. After that, went down to the 1st floor. Around 5 mins ltr, HawtGf came. Thn took out our books to studyyy. Awhile ltr, got bored, thn took pic(s). =) Thn went to TM to go eat Mac. =D Ordered oreo mcfurry ice-creamm! Yum! Thn go timezone take neo-prints!
Saturday 1:52 AM
Parkway Parade~ ♥ Gosh...I'm soo ugly.. Long time no post! Cuz buzzy studying..=( Todae went to Parkway Parade! Go Timezone! Played, Guitar Hero n Dancing! =) Damn funnnn! Ltr, went to Church Class. Hah! Aaron Chinatown voice..=D Thn teacher give us No fair!!! Sum of my frenz got 2! Nvm larh..Still funnn day!
Tuesday 11:20 PM
Specs photos!
Saturday 2:14 AM
Church with Frends. ♥ Todae went to Church Class. Thn met KnoeItAll in the bus. :) Walk to the Church, reach class, grab a seat. Few mins ltr, AaronSmartTalk boy came. From thn on, the class was damn noisy. Cuz of AaronSmartTalk boy..(no offence) Ltr talk abt exam(S)........ All of their exam results soo damn good manz! English~ Aaron-98 marks! WTH!? So good lehs! Of course arh, he mixed..now thn knoe...=.=' He can read 1 Twilight Book in 1 week! I would take abt..1 month?? .___. Hope can as good as him!
Thursday 6:00 AM
CaSiNo/Orchard Central!
5:51 AM
11:35 PM
1.6 km run 2010! ♥Todae was it, the 1.6km run. Tired manz.. Thn run with 4ever,KamponGal,Elmo,Jasmine Tea and Jazzmin. Run,run..(*Skips) Thn when reaching the finishing line, Jazzmin n I compete. Lols. In fact, I won! Damn lame... Thn got my position card. Walk to where the class was standing. Asked the rest of my classmates their results. Thn went bck to Class. Drank lots of water. If not I will suffer from dehydration(dunno how 2 spell.) (*Skips).. Thn after school, went bck home with Dinie.
2:03 AM
Per-normal.. ♥ I'm bck with the postin'! Todae was per-normal for school. But went to Eco-Club. Didn't stay bck for long though. :( Cuz mum went to fetch me up at 4pm. During 1 plus, went to the class to chill lorhs. Took some pics also. ^^ Thn after Science supplementry, went with Elmo,Jasmine Tea,KamonGal go Fitness Corner go play. Well, actually, Elmo n Jasmine Tea play not us. When reached thr, saw the Malay boyz n of course Justice Pao!/Kai Boon. Thn they play catching lorhs. Then around 2.45pm, Elmo n Jasmine Tea go hme. So left KamponGal n ME! Chit-Chat lorhs..what else? Thn ltr Dinie come. BlUtHoOtH-Random Thn at 3.10pm, me Wolfy,KamponGal n Me said bye to Dinie. Thn went to 2nd floor to wait for Miss Teo. She asked us wait thr de. Thn 3mins, she come liaos. Went to the ___? Help her carry the ___? Anywayz, tats todae. I'm goin' to end with tat sentence. Alright, byez.
Sunday 9:07 PM
New Piano
Saturday 6:55 AM
Chattin' with Elmo! ♥ [Currently chatting with Elmo!] Heyz! Srry for no post. Juz now got 1 girl added me in MSN, then thought one of my frend. Then I said do I knoe u? Then she said tat: No hun-honey, but I saw u from sumwhere. But if we knoe each other better, mayb we cn get to exchange phone numbers? Then I deleted her contact! Scarry manz.. |
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